Aluminium skin panels for trailers

The trailer's aluminum shell panels are usually made of 3003 H14 4 x 8 aluminum sheet, painted white. The material requirements of trailer skin panels can be divided into safety performance - impact resistance, wind pressure resistance, fire resistance, occupancy performance - waterproof, heat insulation, sound insulation, durability - pollution resistance, weather resistance, appearance retention, production and processing performance - economy , Easy to process, easy to maintain, easy to repair.
Aluminum sheet material is popular in the trailer and caravan manufacturing industry due to its good corrosion resistance, good ductility, light weight and long service life. However, its price is relatively high, and it is generally used for some parts of the vehicle, and some are used for the loading of the whole vehicle, such as the body of the trailer, the body of the tanker, etc. For the ultimate owner of the trailer, the safety and longevity of the trailer's white painted aluminum sheet is paramount. For the design unit, the service life, bearing capacity and appearance are more important. For the construction trailer and RV industry, Powder Coated Aluminum Sheet processing, surface hardness, abrasion resistance, sheet shape and sheet strength are the preferred requirements. Of course, the quality of the white-painted trailer aluminum plate mainly depends on the color-coated aluminum plate manufacturer, but if the processing and installation equipment and methods are improper, the appearance and service life of the final product will be damaged to varying degrees.
What are the performance indicators of painted aluminum sheet for trailers?
1. Base material: yield strength, tensile strength, elongation;
2. Coating: coating weight, adhesion;
3. Coating: color difference, gloss, T-bend, impact, hardness, chalk resistance, heat resistance, moisture resistance, etc.
4. Surface: visible surface defects;
5. Flatness: Tolerance, inequality.