The Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder rune has a very limited base of items that cover a very limited range, which includes spheres, wands, and claws; on the sphere side, there are no exclusive rune words, which means you can literally only get mage weapons that are particularly powerful or useful for mage weapons in Diablo 2 Resurrected; wind can provide you with some additional movement speed, which is nice; on the wand side, there are no exclusive rune words, which means you cannotBut the situation is not as favorable for wands as it is for runes, since they are also restricted to two-socket power and wind runes, despite the fact that they are given a special white wand rune that is otherwise unavailable. There are a large number of nature plus skills in the necromancer's runes, which include Dorel and Io, among other things. There are three Poison skills, three Bone Armor skills, two Bone Spear skills, and four Skeleton Mastery skills, among other things.
Every one of the four skeleton proficiencies, as well as increases in vibrant and spellcasting rates, can be found in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and each has a valid reason for being present. This is something I've decided to do for a good reason. This is due to the fact that it is frequently stuffed into a plus-three Bone Spear wand, resulting in the creation of a plus-eight Bone Spear wand as a result of this practice. You now possess a total of eight bone spear wands, three of which are from the base and five of which are from the runes. Three of the wands are from the base, and the other five are from the runes. Your collection consists of three of the base runes and five of the runes. The remaining eight bone spears are made up of three bone spears from the base and five bone spears from the runes, for a total of twelve bone spears. When it comes to tree bonuses and specific skills, we don't have many options. However, when it comes to claws, we do have a few options because claws can be used to create three slots. It is possible to use three claws in order to create three pockets in many situations, and this can be combined with some special and elite skills. Because three slots can be created, we can also use three claws in order to create a claws socket in many situations. It is possible to use the claws in a variety of ways, such as by creating good crushing blow claws in some of your early weapons, and even later in the game by combining them to form some interesting tricks with some of your later weapons.
Natural bleeding can be used in conjunction with a low-level poison claw, among other things. This is demonstrated in the video below, which you can watch here. In situations where your level is still low enough that you are having difficulty hitting enemies on a regular basis, but you want to deal some long-term damage to prevent them from getting healed when you enter hell difficulty, you can use low-level poison claws made of towels to deal a significant amount of damage to enemies. The Inferno difficulty unlocks two runes that are actually quite interesting and can be used together to deal with rage-induced chin targets and morality, but it is a much bigger and more powerful brother than the normal difficulty. In comparison to its smaller brother, it is more powerful and larger, and it can pack more malice into a bleeding deadly strike while also having a faster attack speed. It is also more powerful than its smaller brother. The fact that it is one of the few claws in its niche that has been completely replaced by other options, at least in recent years, does not diminish the fact that it is still a very good choice, despite the fact that you can probably find something better for a little more money somewhere else. Also of note is the buy Diablo 2 resurrected items that serves as the foundation for the entire assassination complex, which is quite intriguing. It is due to an assassin build that is completely functional that the problem exists.

Summon Necro with PRIDE golem, insane damage ! 200 WSK runs - Diablo 2 resurrected