Their most well-known racial
It will be an AoE stun lasting two seconds. It allows you WoTLK Gold to configure all types of CSC depending on your class as war stomp does not provide a global cooldown to your abilities. If you are hunter, you can WATERSTOP Freezing Trap someone who shamans can stomp hex , and Druids can stomp cologne etc.
This is a very powerful Resectability which gives the healer an additional couple of minutes to get you back up, or for you to make space from the enemy which could be the difference between you living and dying, which is an extremely effective ability when utilized correctly.
Another popular race for PvP is the undead. they acquire resistance to spells that cast shadows as well as cannibalize to deal with very rare scenarios where you're still in trouble even after you've smashed a dead on someone. And lastly, their most well-known racial, which will have the first agent to experience differences due to disability WOW WoTLK Classic Gold to wrath is that it is now only breaking the CC one time and doesn't have a duration of five seconds following the use of it.