How To Wear Two Hairs On Roblox Mobile and PC

Roblox allows players to engage in numerous gameplay types and enables them to create some incredible characters roblox items with awesome customizations. But, much like all in all games, many players want to get the most unique and personalized character possible – which can really be helped by layering different hairstyles.

How to wear multiple hairs on Roblox PC

Roblox allows players to wear multiple hairstyles at once, but it will take a little bit of work. You need to do it on your browser and you need to obtain the Asset ID of all the hairstyles.

How to put 3 hairs on Roblox mobile 2021? How to put 5 hairs on Roblox? You can do all of them by following the steps below to wear multiple hairs on Roblox PC:

Open a browser on your PC and go to Roblox official website.

Log in with your Roblox account.

Choose the Avatar tab from the drop-down menu on the left side.

In the Avatar Editor, choose Clothing -> Hair. Here, you will see a list of hairstyles you own.

Right-click on one of the hairstyles you want to wear and then choose "Open link in a new tab".

Go to the tab you just opened and look at the URL. You will find the Asset ID number of the hair in the URL. Copy that number.

Return to the Avatar Editor tab. Click on "Advanced" at the bottom right of your hair inventory. This will open an Advanced Options pop-up with many Asset ID slots.

Paste the number into a slot and click Save. Repeat this with all the hairstyles you want to combine. Now your character is wearing multiple hairstyles.

How To Wear Two Hairs On Roblox Mobile

Customizing your game character can be one of the most exciting aspects of starting off any new game, and layering hairstyles had become almost a staple for countless Roblox players. Still, even then, players would love to switch up their styles throughout their gameplay experience, as their character grows and evolves with the game’s progression.

Roblox definitely promotes creativity within the game’s community, and there’s nothing quite like creating a unique character that’s unlike any other. Roblox players can customize plenty of attributes in the game, such as their character’s mouth, eyes, clothing, and much more, along with various color choices.

But, a massive character component is the choice of hair – from color and style to mixing and matching styles. Many Roblox players adored the fact that they could wear multiple hairstyles at the same time in this game, as this type of allowance can essentially lead to brand new hairstyles – while the allowance was available, that is.

Hope our guide on how to wear multiple hairs on Roblox is useful to you. You can check for more tips of Roblox gaming on our website it is a safe online game gold store, you can Buy Roblox Gold

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