Where to Look for Each and Every Mokoko Seed in the Lost Ark of Port Krona
When you first arrive on the continent of North Vern in lost ark gold store, you will find that you have landed in Port Krona. buy cheap Lost Ark gold has a sense of familiarity, at first giving off the same vibe and appearing to have the same appearance as Luterra. A substantial amount of greenery, decoration made of gold, and flooring made of gray stone. In addition to that, there is the recognizable scent of mokoko seeds.
And the scent could not be more pungent if it tried, as Port Krona is home to a rich harvest of 12 seeds that can be found strewn all over the port and the areas that surround it. Even though some of the seeds in town are hidden in obscure or hard-to-find locations, it's not too difficult to find them once you know where to look. If you don't already know this, continue reading for all the information you require.
The Ruined Port, as seen in Mokoko Seeds One and Two.
1. Because there is a component of timing involved in the first two, you might find that you need a little bit more patience
2. After passing the location where the Port vista is located, head right out across the dock path heading west to the Ruined Port
3. Take the path that dead-ends to the north when you reach the end of the path
4. A tower on the left side of the path will have a ladder leading up to it just before you reach the end of the path
5. Hold your position here until a non-player character with blue hair arrives and takes its place next to it
6. At this point, a direction arrow for climbing will present itself
7. You'll find two mokoko seeds on the top of the bell tower, one on either side of the bell on the tower's northern edge
8. To get there, head up to the top of the bell tower
The Southern Fishing Spot is where Mokoko Seed Three is located.
Now proceed to the end of the path that is heading south through the Ruined Port. Keep going until you reach the final fork that will lead you to the fishing spot in the south. Going southwest onto the beach is a better option than taking the south fork of the road. You'll find the third seed right down by the water's edge, tucked away among some shells and discarded wood just beyond some old netting and discarded wood.
The Secret Terrace is where Mokoko Seeds Four and Five are Located.
The next two are also a little difficult to access due to their locations. You can get there by going to the Central Port Triport, turning east, and then following the path that initially heads north and then south. You will arrive at a set of stone stairs leading eastward that are only a few steps long but very wide. Hold on to the southern handrail and wait for a child to come down the steps while you make your way up the steps halfway. They will pause approximately halfway down, and during the time that they do so, a jump spot will momentarily appear. Make haste to make use of it so that you can descend to the small terrace below. In it, there are two mookais that are partially concealed by a canopy and are located next to a table that is red. Because there is a jump spot that is always available to use, it is simple to descend from the terrace.
Mokoko Seed Six is the gateway to the open seas.
Proceed straight down to the docks, then turn west and walk until you reach the Open Seas portal. Riff, an NPC associated with the Ocean Liner Embarkation, can be found standing to the north of the path, close to a collection of crates and netting. Your next mokoko seed is right behind him, next to the stone railing that surrounds the area.
Mokoko Seed Seven – Downtown Port Krona
You will reach Downtown Port Krona by traveling to the east and then following the path to the south. You will find yourself in a modest park, from which you must depart in the direction of the northeast. Just beyond it is a T-junction, at which you need to head right (south), then down some steps. This will bring you to the bottom of the hill. To the right of another set of stone stairs, you will find a couple of horses standing around. The seventh seed can be found on the cliff edge just beyond the horses, although it is partially hidden by the palm trees that are growing there.
North of Town is where Mokoko Seed Eight is located.
From the seventh mokoko, take the pathway that is furthest to the east to leave Downtown Port Krona and head directly north. You will eventually be required to make a turn to the west at a house, after passing over a small stone bridge that spans a small river. You will find a house on the north side of the path just across the bridge from where you first crossed the water. There is a mokoko seed situated close to the entrance of the house, on the right side of the walkway, close to a large red pot and a post box.
The Mokoko Seed Nine, also known as the Port Entrance Triport
Proceed in a westerly direction out of the city, passing the Port Entrance Triport. There is a small alcove on the left side of the path just to the left of the NPC Cora, which is right next to the triport. Find the next seed by going past the axe that is embedded in the tree stump and entering the right corner of the area where there is foliage near the edge of the cliff.
Mokoko Seed Ten – Heading in the Direction of Rania Village
If you came into Port Krona through the Rania Village portal, you should immediately bear to the southwest and take the fork there. Keeping to the west side of the path will lead you to a round stone watchtower that is quite small. You'll find the tenth mokoko lying in plain view on the grass just beyond it, close to the trunk of a nearby tree.
Mokoko Seed Eleven – Krona Forest While in the Krona Forest, teleport to the Guard Post Triport and exit the area through the middle of the three paths that lead east. There is a small stone tower on your left as you walk past it.
Take the first path that leads north just after you pass the Magick Society Apprentices and Professor Seneese when you enter Krona Forest. Maintain your position on the southern side of that broad path as it begins to bend to the east. Immediately after you pass the large rock and right before you reach the three silver reindeer, there is a seed hidden in the grass.
South of Guard Post Triport is where you'll find Mokoko Seed Twelve.
From the Guard Post Triport, follow the path to the southeast, passing the guards along the way. Take the fork to the right, which will take you south into the small area beyond. Stay close to the northern edge as you make your way around the area in a counterclockwise direction. The final mokoko seed of Port Krona can be found just beyond the stable, in front of a hay bale.